Personal Identity: So Much Love!  

Posted by: Bob McGarry

I suppose I’m somewhat of a hippie. I love the environment, though that doesn’t necessarily sway any non-environmental political opinions.

I’ve always been talented at picking up languages. I can listen to it spoken for a few weeks and then join right in. As of now, I speak Spanish, Farsi and Cantonese (though probably not too well). One of my life’s goals is to fluently speak five languages. I hope to travel the world and connect with all sorts of people. I’ve also been told that I’m quite the chef, though even I cringe at some of my inventions.

I LOVE music. It makes the world brighter and helps in any mood. My favorite band is named “The Rocket Summer”- though I have hundreds of favorites. Every day I change my mind.

My tastes are very eclectic and I’m fascinated with the world around me. I feel that every day is a new, exciting discovery.

More than anything, I’ve always been a writer. I aspire to one day find my way into some form of the field, whether is be authoring, interviewing or reviewing.

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